BSPP5 BSPP12 BD72 BD87 BD93 Shown with HM11CMF fork and HM8TNG tongs BD55 BD35 BD45 BD65 Top to bottom: BSPP4 BSPP6 BSPP8 BSPP9 BSPP11 56 Black Steel Paella Pans Just like the real thing, these smaller versions of traditional paella pans are sure to be crowd pleasers. Made of black steel, these pans can withstand high heat either from the oven, broiler or induction burner. Perfect for oven-to- table entrees, individual portions or sides. BSPP4 8 oz. (236.6 mL) 4 7/8" Dia. x 1 1/8" H, 6" L with Handles (12.4 x 2.8, 15.2 cm) BSPP5 13 oz. (384.5 mL) 5 5/8" Dia. x 1 1/4" H, 6 3/4" L with Handles (14.3 x 3.2, 17.1 cm) BSPP6 18 oz. (532.3 mL) 6 1/2" Dia. x 1 3/8" H, 7 5/8" L with Handles (16.5 x 3.5, 19.4 cm) BSPP8 30 oz. (887.2 mL) 8" Dia. x 1 1/2" H, 9 1/2" L with Handles (20.3 x 3.8, 24.1 cm) BSPP9 52 oz. (1.5 L) 9 1/2" Dia. x 1 7/8" H, 11" L with Handles (24.1 x 4.8, 27.9 cm) BSPP11 82 oz. (2.4 L) 11" Dia. x 2" H, 12 1/4" L with Handles (27.9 x 5.1, 31.1 cm) BSPP12 126 oz. (3.7 L) 12 5/8" Dia. x 2 1/4" H, 14" L with Handles (32 x 5.7, 35.6 cm) Stainless Steel Balti Dishes It's easy to see your own creations making an impact with the help of the beautiful mirror finish on these pieces. Stylish handles make transport easy. BD35 10 oz. (295.7 mL) 4 1/4" Dia. x 2 3/4" H, 4 3/4" W with Handles (10.8 x 7, 12.1 cm) BD45 16 oz. (473.2 mL) 5 1/8" Dia. x 2 1/2" H, 6 1/2" W with Handles (13 x 6.4, 16.5 cm) BD55 18 oz. (532.3 mL) 5 3/4" Dia. x 2 3/4" H, 7 1/4" W with Handles (14.6 x 7, 18.4 cm) BD65 32 oz. (946.4 mL) 6 5/8" Dia. x 3 1/4" H, 8" W with Handles (16.9 x 8.3, 20.3 cm) BD72 40 oz. (1.2 L) 7" Dia. x 4" H, 8 7/8" W with Handles (17.8 x 10.2, 22.5 cm) BD87 62 oz. (1.8 L) 8 1/8" Dia. x 4 1/4" H, 9 7/8" W with Handles (20.6 x 10.8, 25.1 cm) BD93 105 oz. (3.1 L) 9 3/8" Dia. x 4 3/4" H, 11" W with Handles (23.8 x 12.1, 27.9 cm)